Give a Little Love | St John Brewers + Love City Strong

During the month of August, “Give a Little Love” when you visit the Tap Room! For the entire month, each time you purchase a can of St John Brewers’ Love Hard Seltzer from the Tap Room or the Brewtique, a portion of the sale will support Love City Strong’s disaster preparedness and recovery programs on St. John.
As we enter the peak of hurricane season our preparedness efforts are more important than ever. In addition, recovery from the 2017 hurricanes is ongoing, and the journey is made harder for many due to the pandemic.
St John Brewers is a long time supporter and partner of LCS. Their team is always ready to help the community, and we’re proud to partner with them on this fundraiser. If you’re on St. John, please go by and purchase some Love Hard Seltzer and give a little love back to our community! If you’re not on island but still want to contribute, please visit our website to make a donation.